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Review Results

The Review Results screen shows the details of the values recorded as well as the overall results for the tests performed.

Take the Review Results Row Exit from the Workbench to see the results that have been entered.

From the Review Results screen you can see the overall Pass/Fail/Warning result as well as the samples displayed. If the result is a Warning or a Failure then the overall result will be highlighted in Red or Yellow as well as the particular result that is outside of the allowed/preferred range.

Calculating the Overall Pass/Fail Result

When we record a set of values the overall pass/fail result is displayed in the Pass/Fail column on the review results screen (as above).
The result is calculated based on the way the test has been setup. Where setup, the overall result determines if the CBM alert is triggered.

For the standard display/evaluate method "All Samples" this is a simple case if any results are warning, then the result is warning. If any results fail, then the result is fail.
Where the test is setup using calculated results (Average or Accept %/Qty) the logic differs slightly. If a single value has failed then the overall result is a warning even if the calculated result is within the expected range. This is to allow the CBM system to raise appropriate warning alerts even though strictly the test has been passed.

Type of TestPass ResultWarning ResultError Result
Average of SamplesThe average of all samples recorded is within the Preferred Min/Max range.

The average of all samples recorded is within the Allowed Min/Max range, but outside of the Preferred Min/Max Range.

OR an individual sample is outside of the allowed range.

The average of samples recorded is below the Allowed Min/Max range.
All Samples - Accept %The count of pass results are equal to or above the required percentage.One or more of the individual samples are outside of the preferred range. (One or more Warning or Failure samples).Less than the required percentage of results are a Warning or Pass result. (Warnings are counted as a pass)
All Samples - Accept QtyThe count of pass results are equal to or above the required quantity.One or more of the individual samples are outside of the preferred range. (One or more Warning or Failure samples).Less than the required quantity of results are a Warning or Pass result. (Warnings are counted as a pass)

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