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Enter Results

Results can be input using either the Speed entry form or alternatively via the detailed form. To enter the speed entry form take the “Results Speed Entry” row exit from the workbench.

Results Speed Entry Form

This form allows the user to quickly enter test results for a work order. They can enter up to 10 results per test, which is configured within the processing options for PQ353702.

In scenarios where the same Test ID exists in multiple specifications attached to a work order, the test will only be displayed once. When results are recorded against this test it will be split across the multiple specifications that are attached to the work order.

Enter Results – Detailed Form

By selecting a test record in the speed entry screen and then clicking the “Enter Results” tab at the top you can access the Detailed Entry form.

Here you can enter results in column format and also enter results past the maximum of “10” records available on the Speed Entry screen.

Editing/Deleting test results

From the detailed entry screen we also have the ability to Delete and/or Edit test results (Authorized users only).
To edit an existing result, you need to press the “Unlock Form For Editing” button which will then allow the Test Value fields to be edited.
You can also Delete existing results by selecting the sample record and pressing the Delete button.

Press Save and Close to complete editing or alternatively clicking the “Speed Entry” tab along the tab will also save changes and take you back to the Speed Entry screen.

Testing Completed Button – *Condition Based Maintenance Alerts*

Once all test results for a Work Order have been entered the Testing Completed button must be pressed to evaluate the test results and then to trigger any Condition Based Maintenance alerts.

Pressing this button will trigger any required notifications to be sent out to required recipients as well as create any additional maintenance work orders that may be required dependent on the test results.

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