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F1207 Table Trigger

F1207 table trigger setup is a mandatory requirement of RAPS Service Logic.

The F1207 table trigger assesses each F1207 record inserted, to see if the related asset’s PM Schedules are managed by RAPS Service Logic. If this is the case, the PM Schedule Cycles are assessed and related PM Schedules in F1207 are rescheduled, based on the defined RAPS Service Logic rules and Cycle configuration for the asset. 

To add the F1207 table trigger:
  1. Create an OMW project and move table F1207 into the project.
  2. Checkout the F1207 object, and add the following line of code, to be executed after a record is inserted:
  3. The “Q35 WO status change to complete” function is in the Q35_RAPS_SL Service Logic project. The table trigger calling this function should use these parameters:
  4. Checkin the updated F1207 object
  5. Promote/build/deploy to the environments where the RAPS Service Logic module will be used.

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