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Managing Active RAPS Cycles


Once Assets are being managed by RAPS, the Cycle Types service scheduling is usually managed automatically by the system. There may still be a need to reset the Active Step or Planned Completion values of services within a cycle to address unusual situations or to recover from user errors.

RAPS provides an application PQ351203 Q35 Manage Cycle Steps to manage the steps within a Cycle. 

Managing Cycle Steps

For an Asset, Cycle Steps can be managed from the Q35 Manage Cycle Steps application PQ351203. 

The Manage Cycle Steps form has:

  • An Asset Number filter in the header of the form which will restrict the list in the grid to only that specific Asset
  • Form Exit to Bulk Load Cycle Step changes for multiple Assets simultaneously
  • Row Exit to Manage Cycle allowing entry of new Planned Meter readings and setting of the Active Step in a specific Cycle
  • Row Exit to Remove Cycle Setup

Change Cycle Step 

After selecting the Row Exit Change Cycle Step from Manage Cycle Steps the selected Asset and Cycle Steps are shown with current Planned meter values for the Active Step and also the Current Meter readings for the Asset.

The Change Cycle Step form has:

  • Row exit to 'Set the Current' Step (and/or Planned Completion Meters)
  • Meter Entry fields to enter the Planned Completion of the selected step

The next active Step for each Service Type is highlighted in Blue. 

Enter your new Planned Completion meter(s), select the Step which you want to be active and then select the 'Set to Current' Row Exit.

Processing Options for PQ351203 will determine if R12807 is run immediately for the selected Asset after updating.


The Current Step does not need to be changed. You can select the current "Next Step" and enter new Planned Completion values then the Cycle will be reset to the new Planned Completion, but the "Next Step" will remain the same

This form also displays information relating to the displayed Cycle Steps and Serivce Types.

The next occurrence of each distinct Service Type code displays details from the current PM Schedule record for:

  • Service Last Completed date
  • Planned Date (if calculated)
  • % Due
  • Remark
  • Maintenance Status
  • Assigned WO 

Each Cycle Step which has previously had a related Work Order completed retains the date of that Work Order completion, which is displayed as the Step Last Completed date.

Bulk Change Cycle Step 

After selecting the Form Exit Bulk Change Cycle Step from Manage Cycle Steps an empty Form is presented which allows the setting of the current step and planned completions for many Asset / Cycle Type combinations.

The Change Cycle Step form has:

  • A "Validate" button to validate all data entered in the grid
  • A "Submit button will appear after a successful validation of the grid

Details can be entered into the grid or optionally imported from a prepared spreadsheet.

After entering the new details, pressing the "Validate" button will validate the details and either highlight any errors for correction or if all rows are valid the "Validate" button will disappear and a "Submit" button will appear and the grid will be locked. Pressing the "Submit" button will then update each of the Asset/Cycles loaded into the grid.

Processing Options for PQ351203 will determine if R12807 is run immediately for each selected Asset after updating.


Only Meters which are defined to manage the RAPS Cycles (see Cycle Type setup) for the Assets may be entered here. Entries for Meters not used by RAPS for the Cycle Type will result in errors.

Remove Cycle Setup 

After selecting the Row Exit Remove Cycle Setupfrom Manage Cycle Steps a confirmation window is presented to confirm that the deletion of all RAPS Cycles setup for the selected Asset should continue.


All Cycles prepared for an Asset will be removed if this option is confirmed. Also all Associations for the selected Asset will be removed.

Bulk Load Last Completed Meters 

If many Asset service records need to be revised, the Last Completed Meters can be reset from the Q35 Bulk Load Last Completed  application PQ351217. 

The Load Last Completed form has:

  • A Status from the Processing options which determines which active PM Schedules will be updated
  • A Grid to enter Asset Numbers and Last Completed Meters

The Load Last Completed form has:

  • A "Select/OK" menu button to validate/update the grid details

Details can be entered into the grid or optionally imported from a prepared spreadsheet.

After entering the new details, pressing the "Validate" button will validate the details and either highlight any errors for correction or if all rows are valid the "Validate" button will disappear and a "Submit" button will appear and the grid will be locked. Pressing the "Submit" button will then update each of the Asset/Cycles loaded into the grid.

Processing Options for PQ351217 will determine if R12807 is run immediately for each selected Asset after updating.


All Assets may have their Last Completed Meters set here, not just those managed by RAPS.

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