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The Cantara Integration Platform provides a solution for enterprise organisations to integrate with their JD Edwards EnterpriseOne ERP solution.

The following Cantara documentation set provides the details for setting up and using the application, and maximizing the benefits it has to offer.

Installation Guide

Common Cantara Server Components Installation

View help topics for installing and deploying the Cantara Access Server:

  1. Technical Requirements
  2. File System Folders
  3. Setting up the Cantara Databases
  4. Installing the Cantara Integration Platform Web Archives
  5. Deploying Cantara Assur Servers
    1. Apache Tomcat 8.0 - Cantara Assur Server Installation
    2. Oracle WebLogic 12.1.3 / 12.2.1 - Cantara Assur Server Installation
    3. JBoss EAP 7.0 - Cantara Assur Server Installation
    4. Wildfly 11.0 - Cantara Assur Server Installation
  6. Deploying Cantara Access Servers
    1. Apache Tomcat 8.0 - Cantara Server Installation
    2. Oracle WebLogic 12.1.3 / 12.2.1 - Cantara Server Installation
    3. JBoss EAP 7.0 - Cantara Server Installation
    4. Wildfly 11.0 - Cantara Server Installation
Cantara Administration Console Installation

View help topics for installing and deploying the Cantara Administration Console:

  1. Cantara Administration Console Technical Requirements
  2. File System Folders
  3. Installing the Cantara Administration Console Web Application
  4. Deploying the Cantara Administration Console
    1. Apache Tomcat 8.0 - Cantara Administration Console Installation
    2. Oracle WebLogic 12.1.3 / 12.2.1 - Cantara Administration Console Installation
    3. JBoss EAP 7.0 - Cantara Administration Console Installation
    4. Wildfly 11.0 - Cantara Administration Console Installation

Cantara Agent Installation
  1. Apache Tomcat 8.0 - Cantara Agent Installation
  2. Agent Batch Installation

Configuration Guide

Managing FarmsCreating and configuring farms.
Managing FunctionsView step-by-step instructions for creating function definitions that reference JD Edwards business functions and named event rules.
Managing QueriesDetails about how to build query definitions against JD Edwards data and execute a test to check for problems.
Managing ReportsInformation about how to create report definition to run and print JD Edwards reports.
Managing ExtensionsView information about managing extensions.
Managing NotificationsView information about managing notifications.
Managing RoutesView information about managing routes.
Managing EnvironmentsView step-by-step instructions for adding and configuring additional JD Edwards environments.
Managing the SchedulerView information about managing scheduler requests, variables, and groups.
Managing UsersView information about managing users.
Administration Console Configuration (On-Premises only)View information about applying a system configuration file.
Definition Data TypesList of data types supported in the Cantara Integration Platform.
Searching for Components and RecordsDetails about using the search function to find components and records.
Exporting Data to a FileDetails about exporting data to the Microsoft Excel format or PDF.

Development Guide

Cantara Development GuideView topics about using the Cantara API to extend the application to create a custom solution.


Cantara GuidesView tutorials to help you learn how to perform specific tasks in the Cantara application.

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