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Technical Requirements

The minimum software and hardware requirements for a basic Cantara installation with minimal user load are listed in the following tables. You should determine the appropriate Java configuration and hardware for your environment and intended load. Also refer to the minimum technical requirements for your selected application server.

Software Requirements

ComponentMinimum Versions

Oracle Java 1.8.0_11+

Database - Standalone Only

Oracle Database

Oracle Database

Oracle Database 12.1+

Oracle MySQL 5.1.3+

Oracle MySQL 5.5.9+

Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2

Microsoft SQL Server 2012

Microsoft SQL Server 2014

Application Server

Apache Tomcat 8.0.9+

Apache Tomcat 8.5.3+

JBoss EAP 7.0+

Oracle WebLogic 12.1.1+

Wildfly 11.0+

Hardware Requirements

ComponentMinimum Version
 CPUDual Core 1.5 GHz or greater
Available memory1 GB RAM
Hard disk50 MB plus log space

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