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Cantara Client FAQ

How does offline support work in CC6?

For information about offline support for Cantara Mobile Apps. refer to Offline Functionality of Cantara Mobile Apps

How do I configure push notifications in CC6?

CC6 uses Firebase to provide push notifications. For information about setting up and issuing push notifications using Firebase, refer to Configuring an Application for Push Notifications with Firebase.

What are the API, Components, Core, Implementation, Plugin and Schema in CC6?

​These items are the main internal libraries of CC6. For further information, refer to Internal Libraries.

What kinds of components and styling can I change for a Cantara Mobile Application?

CC6 SDK allows a developer to customize many aspects of a mobile application:


  • Branding
  • Colours
  • Logos
  • Icons
  • Images
  • Labels


  • JDE transactions and data structures
  • Application extensions
  • Scene flow, definitions and transitions


  • Preferred database
  • Graphics frameworks
  • Authentication providers
  • Integration with other web services

For more information about mobile app customizations, refer to Customizing a Reference App.

Which platforms does Cantara Client support?

Currently, Cantara Client supports iOS and Android.

How do I get Cantara Client?

Cantara Client is available as an SDK containing the necessary frameworks for developers to create and build mobile applications. The SDK supports both iOS and Android platforms.

Reference applications are included in the SDK, and customers can tailor these apps to quickly meet the requirements of a JD Edwards project. Alternatively, this guide provides information for developers to create their own mobile applications, and make more substantial changes and extensions.

To obtain an SDK, or to get further information, contact your Rinami representative.

What is the relationship between a Mobile Application, Cantara Client, and JD Edwards?

Creating a mobile application using the Cantara Client framework enables secure and efficient connection with JD Edwards. A system overview of the Cantara Integration Platform, showing at a very high level how Cantara enables mobile ap​plications to access a JD Edwards system, is provided by the Platform Architecture Overview. For more detailed architecture information, refer to Architecture Detail.

What is Cantara Client and what can it do?

Rinami's Cantara Client enables developers to create tailored mobile applications to access their organisation's Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne ERP solution.​ For an overview of Cantara Client and its capabilities, refer to the Cantara Client Introduction.

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