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How To Complete a Simple Cantara Installation

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for completing the installation and configuration of a single basic instance of a Cantara installation using an Apache Tomcat server.

A simple Canatara installation includes the following steps:

  1. Deploy the Cantara JDE Objects to your JD Edwards server.

  2. Install and configure Apache Tomcat 7.0.

  3. Set up the necessary folders and permissions.

  4. Deploy the Cantara Access Server.

  5. Deploy the Cantara Administration Console.

  6. Configure the Cantara Administration Console.

  7. Define the access server.

  8. Define a JDE environment.

  9. Create a new function service.

Deploying the Cantara JDE Objects to Your JD Edwards Server

To deploy the Cantara JDE objects
  1. Create an OMW project on a JD Edwards development client.
  2. Restore the provided .ZIP archive file to the newly created project.

For each environment you want to connect to you must build and deploy a package containing the full set of objects as per your normal JD Edwards development procedures. Refer to the Deploying Cantara JD Edwards Objects topic for more details.

Installing and Configuring Apache Tomcat 7.0

Refer to the Apache Tomcat documentation relevant to your operating environment. The documentation is located at

The only specific configuration required for this server is to make sure the minimum heap size and maximum permanent generation size are correctly configured as per the technical requirements for the Cantara Access Server and Cantara Administration Console.

Java Settings

Java options are generally set in either the or setenv.bat files located in the bin directory of your Tomcat installation. If you are deploying both the Cantara Access Server and Cantara Administration Console on the same instance, the following are the recommended minimum settings:

JAVA_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m";

Setting Up the Necessary Folders and Permissions

Both the Cantara Access Server and Administration Console require several configuration and definition files to operate correctly. Although not recommended, it is possible to define only a single folder to store all the necessary server files. The user that the Tomcat server is running as must have read and write permissions to this folder.

An example folder structure for a Linux server:

  • /usr/rinami/cantara to stage the Cantara applications for deployment

  • /var/rinami/cantara/console for the administration console configuration file

  • /var/rinami/cantara/environments for the environments definition file

  • /var/rinami/cantara/components for the component definition files

  • /var/rinami/cantara/logs for the server log files

An example folder structure for a Windows server:

  • c:\rinami\cantara\apps to stage the Cantara applications for deployment

  • c:\rinami\cantara\config\console for the administration console configuration file

  • c:\rinami\cantara\config\environments for the environments definition file

  • c:\rinami\cantara\config\components for the component definition files

  • c:\rinami\cantara\config\logs for the server log files

Refer to the guides on setting up the folders for the Cantara Access Server and the Cantara Administration Console for more information.

Deploying the Cantara Access Server

To deploy the Cantara Access Server
  1. Extract the provided application .ZIP archive file into the folder defined for staging the applications for deployment.  Refer to the documentation on installing the Cantara Access Server web application. You should see a single index.jsp file and the following four folder names under the main folder:
    • images

    • META-INF

    • uploads

    • WEB-INF 

  2. As per the documentation, copy the required JD Edwards JAR libraries from either a fat client or your deployment server into the WEB-INF/lib folder. You can find the JAR libraries in <JDE Client Install Directory>\system\Classes. For the 9.1.x Tools releases on an Apache Tomcat 7.0 server, the following files are required:

    JD Edwards Library Files

    • Base_JAR.jar

    • JdeNet_JAR.jar

    • jmxremote_optional.jar

    • jmxri.jar

    • ManagementAgent_JAR.jar

    • System_JAR.jar

  3. Once the required libraries have been included in the application it can now be deployed using the Tomcat Web Application Manager. Details on how to enable access to the Tomcat Web Application Manager can be found at
  4. The process to deploy the application involves entering in the path to the Cantara Access Server application and defining the required context. Detailed instructions are available in the Apache Tomcat Installation Guide. Alternatively, you can copy the entire application folder into the webapps folder within your Apache Tomcat server installation and restart the service. This will cause the application to be automatically deployed and launched. he default context for the Cantara Access Server is /cantara.
  5. When deployment is complete, you should be able to navigate to the Cantara Access Server landing page. For a default installation this would be found at http://localhost:8080/cantara/

Deploying the Cantara Administration Console

To deploy the Cantara Administration Console
  1. Extract the provided application .ZIP archive file into the folder defined for staging the applications for deployment. Refer to the documentation on installing the Cantara Access Server web application. Once the file is extracted, you should see the following four folder names under the main folder:
    • META-INF

    • static

    • WEB-INF 

  2. Follow the same process you used with the Cantara Access Server to deploy the new web application. 

JD Edwards Library Files NOT required

Unlike the Cantara Access Server, the Cantara Administration Console does not require the JD Edwards library files to be copied into the WEB-INF/lib folder.

Configuring the Cantara Administration Console

When you launch the Cantara Administration Console you will be greeted with a login prompt. The default username and password are admin/admin.

To configure the Cantara Administration Console
  1. Define the location of the Administration Console configuration file as well as the username and password that will be used to access the console. 
  2. Click the Configuration option on the navigation menu and enter the file path as well as the new username and password. Refer to the Administration Console Configuration page for further information.

Defining a Cantara Access Server

Once you have defined the configuration file for the Administration Console, you will be able to define a connection to the Access Server.

To define a Cantara Access Server
  1. Click the Server option on the navigation menu.
  2. Click the Add Server button. 
  3. Enter the name, endpoint, username and password for the server. See Adding a Server.

Adding an Environment

Once you have connectivity to the Cantara Access Server, you must define at least one environment before you can execute function, queries or reports on the JD Edwards server.

To add an environment
  1. Expand the navigation menu under the newly created server.
  2. Click the Environments option.
  3. Click the Create Environment button located on the far right. 
  4. Give the environment a meaningful name.
  5. Enter the details of the JD Edwards server you are connecting to. Enter the required values for hostname, port, environment and timeout. If you do not know the port that your JD Edwards server listens on, you can refer to the jde.ini file for the server you are connecting to.
  6. Click the Save Environment button.
  7. If you want to access the media object queues for the JD Edwards server, you must enter the FTP configuration for the server hosting the files. Click the Load Queues button to identify the media queues that are available. At this point you will be prompted for your JDE username and password to be able to access the data. Click the Save Environment button to finalise the environment definition. See Defining an Environment.

Testing Connectivity

To confirm that you have connectivity to the JD Edwards server you can execute a simple function from within the Administration Console.

To test connectivity
  1. Click the Functions menu option located under the server name in the navigation menu.
  2. Select the FormatLocation function to open the function definition panel.
  3. Enter an existing JDE Branch/Plant in the branch parameter's default value field. Enter XXXXX in the fileLocation parameter's default value.
  4. Click the Execute Function button to run the test. If the test is successful, you should see the expected result in the three text areas located at the bottom of the page. See the Testing a Function topic for more information.

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