You must deploy the required Cantara custom objects before the Cantara Access Server can fully interact with your JD Edwards server. The objects are provided as an Object Management Workbench (OMW) archive file.
Refer to your JD Edwards documentation for details about how to create, manage and deploy projects using your JD Edwards development client.
Creating the OMW Project
Create a new project in OMW to contain the Cantara JD Edwards objects.
Select the project and click on the Restore icon at the bottom of the OMW action icons.
When prompted, click Yes to use a ZIP file.
Browse to the PRJ_CANTARA.par file provided.
Click the Open button to extract the archive and create the necessary objects within the OMW projects.
Deploying the Objects
Once you have created the project you can now go through the normal process of building and deploying new objects within your JD Edwards environment.
Deployment Required
You must deploy all of the provided objects to each JD Edwards Logic or Batch server that you wish to connect to prior to defining the connection in the Cantara Administration Console.
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