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Component Import and Export

The component import and export tools support the following operations:

  • Export components - to generate a zip file containing selected components
  • Import components - to read in component data from a valid export file or a Cantara Source URL
  • Export templates - to generate a zip file of template definitions from JDE, used for diagnostic purposes

To transfer components between environments, refer to Transferring Components.

To export components
  1. Open the Tools menu group from the navigation panel.
  2. Select the Export Components node. The Export Components screen is displayed.

  3. The list of components to be exported can optionally be filtered by application prior to exporting.
  4. Click the Export Components button to export the required components. The export status for each component is displayed.

  5. Click on the exported zipfile to download it.

To import components
  1. Open the Tools menu group from the navigation panel.
  2. Select the Import Components node. The Import Components screen is displayed.

  3. Select the source of the components to be imported:

    Local File

    Import components from a zipfile, previously exported by Cantara

    • The components will be imported into the current farm and environment. Enter the Username and Password for the current environment.
    • Click Import Components to begin the import. A file browser will appear to enable file selection.
    Cantara Source URL

    Import components from a Cantara server location.

    • The components will be imported into the current farm and environment. Enter the Username and Password for the current environment.
    • Enter the Cantara API VersionTenant ID, Token Username/Password and Cantara Source URL for the server where the components are to be imported from
    • Choose which component types are to be imported
    • Click Migrate Components to begin the import

  4. The component import status will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.

To export templates
  1. Open the Tools menu group from the navigation panel.
  2. Select the Export Templates node. The Export Templates screen is displayed.

  3. Enter the current environment Username and Password and click the Export Templates button.
  4. The results of the export are displayed at the bottom of the screen, and the generated zipfile can be selected for download.

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