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Modules and Frameworks

The panel at the right side of this page lists information about the modules, internal libraries and third party frameworks that are used to build a CC6 mobile application.

Sourcecode-Generated Documentation

CC6 uses jazzy to extract markdown comments from the CC6 sourcecode and produce html documentation.

To regenerate this documentation, the following command is used in the project root folder:

jazzy -x CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=,CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO,CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO --author "Rinami Developer" --author_url --min-acl internal​​​


The main components required to build a demo app from the CC6 SDK are shown below.

iOS Platform

Carthage/Build/iOSInternal libraries and third-party frameworks
Schema GenerationSchema definitions (JSON-formatted)
FlavorsBuild flavors, including app assets, colors and configuration settings
SceneSource code for each Scene's protocol implementations (swift)

Android Platform

build.gradleInternal libraries and third-party frameworks
sceneSource code for each Scene's protocol implementations (kotlin)
layoutDefinition of the position and dimensions of each Scene's fragments.
menuDefinition of menu buttons (xml-formatted)
assetsApp assets, colors and configuration settings
AndroidManifest.xmlActivity configuration
decodeResource data structures
resColor settings, layouts, menus, images, preferences 
objectbox-modelsDatabase definitions
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