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Cantara Agent Installation

The Cantara Agent is an optional installation component which can be used to manage network communications between the JDE EnterpriseOne enterprise servers and either the Cantara Cloud or the on-premises Access Server. Utilization of a Cantara Agent Server depends on the specific security and load requirements of a deployment. 

The Agent provides the following functions:

  • Secure connectivity between the Cantara Integration Platform Cloud and the customer data center
  • Access to the customer's Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne enterprise servers
  • Access to the customer's network printers if required
  • Access to the customer's IMAP mail service if required
  • Access to the customer's SMTP mail service if required
  • Access to other third party systems hosted within the customer's network

The Agent Server must be on the same local network as your JDE servers.

The following topics provide details about the installation process:

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