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RQ354348 - Q35 Update Work Orders For PO Receipts

This report performs WO Status and Material Status Updates based on PO Receipts.


Processing Options

Processing option template: TQ354348.

SRST_szStatusCodeWOStatus code for WO status update if all non-stock and non-text line type WO parts list quantities have been receiptedBlank = Do not update WO Status
MTST_szMaterialStatusCodeWOMaterial status code for WO parts list material status update if sufficient quantity has been receiptedBlank = Do not update WO Parts List record Material Status
THD1_mnThreshold1DaysNumber of days in the past for calculated receipt audit threshold dateDefault = 1 day
VERS_szVersionP3111Version of the Work Order Parts List program (P3111) to be used when closing WO Parts List linesBlank = ZJDE0001
VERS_szVersionP17714Version of the Work Order Revisions program (P17714) to be used when closing Work OrdersBlank = ZJDE0001
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