CNTR_LOGISTICS - Rinami Logistics
The CNTR_LOGISTICS group of objects provides functions to interact with common Logistic Management functionality.
Project Objects
Special Instructions - Table Trigger
For the order approvals push notifications service to work correctly a slight modification is required to the F4209 "After Record Is Inserted" table trigger.
The modification consists of calling the NQ354305 - Q35CreateApprovalNotification in the "After Record Is Inserted" table trigger event.
Field Mapping for the Q35CreateApprovalNotification function should be as follows:
Value | Direction | Item |
TK Document (Order No, Invoice, etc.) | IN | BF DOCO_mnOrderNumber |
TK Order Company (Order Number) | IN | BF KCOO_szCompany |
TK Order Type | IN | BF DCTO_szOrderType |
TK Order Suffix | IN | BF SFXO_szOrderSuffix |
TK Status - Approval | IN | BF ASTS_szStatusApproval |
TK Business Unit | IN | BF MCU_szCostCenter |
TK Person Responsible | IN | BF RPER_mnPersonResponsible |
TK Address Number | IN | BF AN8_mnOriginator |
Special Instructions - Table Generation
Generate Tables:
- FQ354105 - Q35 Inventory Transfer Header
- FQ354106 - Q35 Inventory Transfer Details
- FQ354107 - Q35 Inventory Issue Header
- FQ354108 - Q35 Inventory Issue Details