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Reference Applications

For example screens from the Cantara Client reference apps, refer to Reference App Screenshots.

AppDescriptionModules IncludedComments


Rinami Approvals (APP).

Approval and rejection of purchase orders, raising of requisitions and provision of notifications.

  • Purchase Order Approvals, including Requisition Self-Service Purchase Orders

Application Specification: RinamiPurchaseOrders - 2020.pptx

NB: The approvals app is an online-only application, designed for use on a phone, but also supports tablets.


Rinami Capital Asset Management (CAM).

Work order management and equipment information.

  • Inventory Inquiry
  • Work Order Management
  • Work Order Search
  • Work Order Issue
  • Work Order Labour and Time Entry
  • Work Order Acceptance
  • Work Order Completation
  • Equipment History
  • Equipment Meter Entry
  • Inventory Transfer
  • Inventory Issue
  • Cycle/Count
  • Purchase Order Receipt

Application Specification: RinamiCAM - 2020.pptx  


Rinami Storeroom (SRM).

Inventory management.

  • Inventory Inquiry
  • Item Search
  • Inventory Issue
  • Inventory Transfer
  • Purchase Order Receipt
  • Inventory Label Print
  • Cycle Count
  • Equipment Parts List Inquiry

Application Specification: RinamiStoreroom.pptx

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