Creating the Access Server Properties File
Navigate to the Cantara Installation Component Folders on your Access Server.
In the access/etc subfolder, create a text file called
Add definitions for the properties listed in the table below. Customize values to suit your deployment. Refer to Cantara Access Server Properties for further information.
Property Value Comment cantara.agent.url
This property is only required for deployments that include a Cantara Agent server. Modify the url to suit your deployment. cantara.jdbc.driver com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
cantara.jdbc.url jdbc\:mysql\://localhost\:3306/cip6_access_enterprise?useSSL\=false&rewriteBatchedStatements=true&allowPublicKeyRetrieval\=true&serverTimezone\=Australia/Brisbane
cantara.hibernate.dialect org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL8Dialect
cantara.jdbc.username cantara
cantara.jdbc.password cantara
- At web application startup, Cantara will insert additional properties into this file using default values. The additional properties can also be modified as required.
Cantara Access Server Properties
(* indicates required property)
Property | Default Value | Comment |
Networking | ||
cantara.agent.url | For deployments that include a Cantara Agent Server, this property defines the agent server url | |
cantara.clustered.instance | false | Set to true if the access endpoint represents multiple access servers deployed within a containerized environment. |
cantara.socket.timeout | 0 | Max duration for web connection with Access Server (milliseconds). 0=Indefinite |
cantara.request.timeout | 30000 | Max wait time for a response (milliseconds) |
cantara.connections.route | 250 | Max connections pooled together for an endpoint |
cantara.connections.max | 500 | Max open connections |
cantara.connection.timeout | 15000 | Max wait time for an initial connection (milliseconds) |
cantara.session.timeout | 30 | Max duration of web session (minutes) |
cantara.encrypted.range | 60 | Maximum age of encrypted login payload in seconds |
Database | ||
cantara.jdbc.driver* | JDBC driver class name | |
cantara.jdbc.url* | Database connection string | |
cantara.jdbc.pool.size* | Max open connections in parallel | |
cantara.jdbc.pool.min | cantara.jdbc.pool.size value | Min open connections in parallel |
cantara.jdbc.connection.timeout | 30000 | JDBC connection timeout in milliseconds |
cantara.jdbc.idle.timeout | 300000 | Time in milliseconds open connections are maintained when minimum pool size is less than maximum pool size |
cantara.jdbc.max.lifetime | 1800000 | Maximum life of pooled connection in milliseconds |
cantara.jdbc.leak.threshold | 10000 | Leak detection threhold in milliseconds. Connections not returned to the connection pool within this time will cause a warning in the log file. |
cantara.jdbc.username* | Database connection username | |
cantara.jdbc.password* | Database connection password | |
cantara.hibernate.dialect* | Database type (Oracle12cDialect, MySQL8Dialect, MySQL57Dialect, SQLServer2012Dialect, SQLServer2008Dialect) | |
cantara.hibernate.show_sql | false | Show SQL transactions in logs (true or false) |
cantara.hibernate.format_sql | false | Format SQL transaction for logs (true or false) |
cantara.hibernate.jdbc.batch_size | 20 | Batch SQL transactions |
Scheduler | ||
cantara.scheduler.threads | 0 | Number of active threads for scheduled jobs. This value should be managed through the Cantara Administration Console |
cantara.system.threads | 8 | Number of active threads for system management jobs. |* | Scheduler instance name. Must be set if scheduler is active. | |
cantara.scheduler.purge | 24 | Max age of active scheduler group in hours. |
Logging | ||
cantara.log.level | INFO | Log detail level (Should be managed through Cantara Administration Console) |
cantara.log.path* | Path to log file | |
Email | ||
cantara.mail.hostname | localhost | SMTP hostname |
cantara.mail.port | 25 | SMTP port number |
cantara.mail.protocol | smtp | Mail transport protocol (smtp or smtps supported) |
cantara.mail.username | SMTP username | |
cantara.mail.password | SMTP user password | |
cantara.mail.auth | false | Authentication enabled (true or false) |
cantara.mail.tls | false | TLS encryption enabled (true or false) |
cantara.mail.from | | Default email from address if not specified |
Proxy Server | || | Proxy server hostname | |
cantara.proxy.port | 0 | Proxy server port |
cantara.proxy.username | Proxy server access username | |
cantara.proxy.password | Proxy server access password | | | false | Use proxy server to access HTTP media attachments (true or false) |
Other | ||
cantara.async.threads | 100 | Number of processing threads run by the console |
cantara.async.timeout | 300000 | Maximum transaction processing time (milliseconds) |
cantara.raw.enabled | false | Enable raw communications with JDE Enterprise Servers (should only be enabled for debugging) |