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Upgrading from Cantara 5.0 to Cantara 5.1

The following will guide you through the process of upgrading a single instance Cantara installation from version 5.0 to version 5.1.
This process will require some important files to be downloaded, database scripts be run and configuration JSON files edited to reflect the appropriate paths and database names
used in your current installation.


As this process will involve changes to your Cantara databases and other files, please back these and all other important files up.

1:) Download Required Files

The following files will be required during the upgrade process;

ComponentVendorLinkSample File Name
Cantara Access Server 5.1.xRinami
Cantara Assur Server 5.1.xRinami
Cantara Administration Console 5.1.xRinami

Cantara 5.1 Upgrade Tool
MySQL Single Database Upgrade ScriptRinamimysql50-51.sqlmysql50-51.sql
MySQL Console Database Upgrade ScriptRinamimysql50-51-console.sqlmysql50-51-console.sql
MySQL Assur Database Upgrade ScriptRinamimysql50-51-console.sqlmysql50-51-assur.sql
Oracle Single Database Upgrade ScriptRinamioracle50-51.sqloracle50-51.sql
Oracle Console Database Upgrade ScriptRinamioracle50-51-console.sqloracle50-51-console.sql
Oracle Assur Database Upgrade ScriptRinamioracle50-51-assur.sqloracle50-51-assur.sql
Microsoft Single Database Upgrade ScriptRinamisqlsvr50-51.sqlsqlsvr50-51.sql
Microsoft Console Database Upgrade ScriptRinamisqlsvr50-51-console.sqlsqlsvr50-51-console.sql
Microsoft Assur Database Upgrade ScriptRinamisqlsvr50-51-assur.sqlsqlsvr50-51-assur.sql

To download the Cantara files, navigate to the Rinami portal > Software > Enterprise and select the appropriate server version, then select the latest version for download.

2:) Shutdown Cantara Services

To ensure a smooth and successful upgrade, all Cantara services must be stopped before beginning the upgrade process.

Follow the standard procedure for your operating system and environment to stop all Cantara Services.



3:) Prepare Databases

One of the primary differences between Cantara 5.0 and 5.1 is the migration from XML to JSON notation. As such your Cantara databases need to be modified.
We have provided script files to prepare them for this.


BEFORE CONTINUING: As is standard procedure when making changes, please ensure you back up your databases to prevent data loss.

Download the script file to a convenient location and run the appropriate script for your database.

The script will need to be run for EACH console database and assur database, but NOT the worker databases.

Once the databases have been upgraded, you can proceed to upgrading the application files.

4:) Extract Cantara 5.1 Application Files

Once you've downloaded the application files, prepare your installation by backing up and renaming the exploded Cantara 5.0 WAR folders.

Navigate to your farm installations and rename the WAR folders as shown:

OriginalNew Name

Each renamed war folder should now be replaced by extracting the Cantara 5.1 files as follows:

Zip FileWAR

Once these files have been extracted, copy the Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Interoperability Libraries to the /WEB-INF/lib directories

of was assur.war and worker.war folder. Refer to the following link for this process:

Installing the JD Edwards Interoperability Libraries

5:) Configure Upgrade.JSON File

Extract the contents of the upgrade tool to an appropriate directory and locate the upgrade.json file. This file will need to be modified with details

of the farms and respective databases that will be upgraded. The following example provides a template for configuring the upgrade tool, replace

paths, types and URLs as appropriate:


    "fromVersion": "5.0",
    "consoles": [{
        "installationPath": "PATH_TO_YOUR_CONSOLE_INSTALLATION",
    "consoleDatabase": {
        "connectionUrl": "CONSOLE_DATABASE_HOST_URL?useSSL=false",
        "username": "YOUR_USERNAME",
        "password": "YOUR_PASSWORD",
        "type": "YOUR_DATABASE_TYPE"

    "workers": [{
        "installationPath": "PATH_TO_YOUR_WORKER_INSTALLATION",
    "workerDatabase": {
        "connectionUrl": "WORKER_DATABASE_HOST_URL?useSSL=false",
        "username": "YOUR_USERNAME",
        "password": "YOUR_PASSWORD",
        "type": "YOUR_DATABASE_TYPE"
    "assur": [{
        "installationPath": "PATH_TO_YOUR_ASSUR_INSTALLATION",
        "etcPath": "PATH_TO_YOUR_ASSUR_INSTALLATION/etc"
    "assurDatabase": {
        "connectionUrl": "ASSUR_DATABASE_HOST_URL?useSSL=false",
        "username": "YOUR_USERNAME",
        "password": "YOUR_PASSWORD",
        "type": "YOUR_DATABASE_TYPE"

The upgrade.json file will need to be modified to point to each farm being upgraded. To simplify this process, you can create an upgrade_FARMNAME.json file for each

farm being upgraded.

Once these json files are configured you can run the upgrade tool.

6:) Run Upgrade Tool

Once you've configured the upgrade.json files, start a terminal and navigate to the cantara-upgrade/bin/ folder then run the appropriate command.

UN*X Systems

./cantara-upgrade $PATH_TO_UPGRADE.JSON/$upgrade_FARMNAME.json

Windows PowerShell

./cantara-upgrade.bat %PATH_TO_UPGRADE.JSON/%upgrade_FARMNAME.json

Run the command for each farm being upgraded.

Once you've upgraded each farm, you can restart the services and verify the upgrade.

7:) Restart Services and Verify

Once the upgrades have completed, restart the Cantara services and navigate to the console page in your browser.

If the upgrade has succeeded, the new version number 5.1.x will be reflected as shown:

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