Click the 1st Tab displaying the name of your current farm.
Click the Add button in the top right of the Assur Instances section
The new Assur details will populate based on the template setting for Assur instances.
Modify the details as required for the new server instance that has been setup. Make changes to the following as necessary:
Name: The name you want to assign to the server. The value for this field can be a maximum of 12 characters (no spaces). Valid characters include numbers, letters, and a dash (-).
End Point: The URL for the Cantara Assur Server, including the root context
Session Timeout: The amount of time in minutes from when a user session expires
Cantara Version: This field will be completed automatically when you click save. You can ignore this field.
Control Version: This field will be completed automatically when you click save. You can ignore this field.
Worker Connection Pool Properties:
Max Total: 300
Max per Route: 300
Connection Request Timeout: 60000
Connection Timeout: 0
Socket Timeout: 0
Log Level: The level of information you want to capture. See Log Level Reference.
Log Path: Path to the log file
Proxy Server: If your internal networking is behind a proxy network, your proxy servers details will need to be added below
Hostname: Proxy server hostname
Port: Proxy server port
Username: Proxy user
Password: Proxy user's password
6. Press Save.
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