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Defining the Cantara License

The Cantara Access Server will not operate without a current license identity defined. To create or review your Cantara Integration Platform license you can go to

Entering the License Details


If the Cantara Access Server has not yet been activated, or the existing license has expired, clicking on the server will automatically direct you to the license entry page. If you need to update your license details you can access the page from the server configuration page.

Required Fields:
  • Customer ID: Your Rinami customer ID
  • License ID: Your Cantara Integration Platform license ID
  • License Key: Your Cantara Integration Platform license key


You must ensure that your Cantara Integration Platform license key is kept securely. Rinami actively tracks Cantara Integration Platform license activity and unexplained server activations may cause the license to be suspended or cancelled.


Alternative Activation Methods


If your Cantara Access Server is unable to contact the Rinami Activation servers directly then you have two options for activation of your licence.

Proxy Server

Your first option is you can add proxy details to enable license activation. Rinami uses secure HTTPS traffic over SSL to contact the activation servers at

Defining the proxy server:
  • Hostname: Proxy server hostname
  • Port: Proxy server port number
  • Username: Proxy server user (only required if the proxy server requires authentication)
  • Password: Proxy server user password

Offline Activation

Your second option is an offline validation that requires your activation key as well as the other required fields previously mentioned. You can be obtain your activation key from the licensing server at

Note: Your activation key is different to your license key.

Required Fields:
  • Customer ID: Your Rinami customer ID
  • License ID: Your Cantara Integration Platform license ID
  • License Key: Your Cantara Integration Platform license key
  • Activation Key: Your Cantara Integration Platform Activation Key



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