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Tomcat 9.x Upgrade Steps

The following steps are applicable for both Windows and Linux operating systems:

  1. Shutdown the Tomcat service.

  2. Take a backup of the current Tomcat installation by renaming the existing Tomcat folder.

  3. Download the latest Tomcat Update and unzip the contents into the same folder which contains the previous Tomcat installation.

  4. Copy existing library files into the new Tomcat ./lib folder.

Note: The following are potential file names contained in the Tomcat ./lib folder that need to be copied over:

  • jakarta.mail-[version].jar

  • mysql-connector-j-[version].jar

  • xercesimpl.jar

  • xml-apis.jar

  • xmlparserv.jar

  • q35e1daddriver.jar

  • mssql-jdbc-[version].jre8.jar

  • ojdbc8.jar

  1. Copy over the server.xml file from ./conf in the old Tomcat instance to the ./conf folder in the new Tomcat instance, overwriting the downloaded configuration.

  2. Clear out the ./webapps folder in the new Tomcat instance and then copy over the .war files and ROOT file from the old Tomcat ./webapps folder into the new instance.

  3. Append the file with the following lines:




  4. Delete the Cantara ./cache folder contained in ./agent or ./access.

  5. Change the service execution path if necessary. 

  6. Restart service and ensure Tomcat and Cantara launch successfully.

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