Cantara Business Function to facilitate the retrieval and entry of date-effective Meter Readings, which can either be processed live or be written to the F12120Z1 staged EDI meter readings table to be processed later (as per Q35AddMeterReadingToZTable).
Oracle Doc: Understanding Meter Reading Interoperability (oracle.com)
Data Structure
Name | Type | Inclusion | Direction | Parameter Notes |
NUMB_mnAssetNumber | ASSETNUMBER | REQUIRED | IN | This is the numeric Asset Number of the Equipment. If the EV01_cUpdateChildCurrMeters parameter value is "1" then children/grandchildren/great grandchildren etc. of this Asset Number will also be updated with the same increment. |
EV01_cUpdate | CHARACTER | OPTIONAL | IN | Value "1" = Update mode. Any other value, including blank, is Read mode. |
EV01_cUseZTable | CHARACTER | OPTIONAL | IN | In Update mode, value "1" will write the provided Current values to the F12120Z1 table, providing the appropriate Item Number reference for each provided meter. In Update mode any other value will perform live meter updates. If not in Update mode, then this parameter has no effect. |
DTHRU_jdAsAtDate | DATE | OPTIONAL | IN | Date for both retrieving date-effective meter values, or for recording new date-effective meter readings. If this date is not provided, then the current system date will be used. |
BALOW_mnCurrentM1_H | FLOAT | OPTIONAL | BOTH | Hours Current Meter: |
BALOW_mnCurrentM2_M | FLOAT | OPTIONAL | BOTH | Miles/Odometer Current Meter: As per Hours Current Meter |
BALOW_mnCurrentM3_F | FLOAT | OPTIONAL | BOTH | Fuel Current Meter: As per Hours Current Meter |
BALOW_mnCurrentM4 | FLOAT | OPTIONAL | BOTH | Meter 4 Current Meter: As per Hours Current Meter |
BALOW_mnCurrentM5 | FLOAT | OPTIONAL | BOTH | Meter 5 Current Meter: As per Hours Current Meter |
BALOW_mnCurrentM6 | FLOAT | OPTIONAL | BOTH | Meter 6 Current Meter: As per Hours Current Meter |
LFTOM_mnLifetimeM1_H | FLOAT | OPTIONAL | OUT | Hours Lifetime Meter: Out only. Returns the date-effective Lifetime meter value for the provided Asset Number. |
LFTOM_mnLifetimeM2_M | FLOAT | OPTIONAL | OUT | Miles/Odometer Lifetime Meter: Out only. Returns the date-effective Lifetime meter value for the provided Asset Number. |
LFTOM_mnLifetimeM3_F | FLOAT | OPTIONAL | OUT | Fuel Lifetime Meter: Out only. Returns the date-effective Lifetime meter value for the provided Asset Number. |
LFTOM_mnLifetimeM4 | FLOAT | OPTIONAL | OUT | Meter 4 Lifetime Meter: Out only. Returns the date-effective Lifetime meter value for the provided Asset Number. |
LFTOM_mnLifetimeM5 | FLOAT | OPTIONAL | OUT | Meter 5 Lifetime Meter: Out only. Returns the date-effective Lifetime meter value for the provided Asset Number. |
LFTOM_mnLifetimeM6 | FLOAT | OPTIONAL | OUT | Meter 6 Lifetime Meter: Out only. Returns the date-effective Lifetime meter value for the provided Asset Number. |
SBLT_cSubledgerType | UDC | OPTIONAL | IN | Optional, but is required if SBL_szSubledger is provided as this defines the class of data that the Subledger value validates to. |
SBL_szSubledger | STRING | OPTIONAL | IN | Optional, but if provided must be valid for the provided SBLT_SubledgerType class of Subledger. |
EV01_cUpdateChildCurrMeters | CHARACTER | OPTIONAL | IN | "1" = do validate/update (in Update mode) children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren etc assets with the net change of Current Meter values, for all updated meters. Any other value will only validate/update (in Update mode) the provided Asset Number. |
EV01_cDisallowNegative | CHARACTER | OPTIONAL | IN | Applies to Update mode only. "1" = disallow negative increments of the Current Meter value on any of the provided new Current Meter values. Any other value allows negative increments. |
EV01_cSuppressErrors | CHARACTER | OPTIONAL | IN | "1" prevents this function setting NER errors, but errors are still returned in the DATI_szErrorDataItem. This value is also passed to functions that are called internally, if they also support NER error suppression. |
ERRC_cErrorCode | CHARACTER | OPTIONAL | OUT | Out only. Value "1" indicates that a significant error has occurred, or blank indicates that no significant errors occurred. These are the only expected values. |
DTAI_szErrorDataItem | ERRORALIAS | OPTIONAL | OUT | If a significant error occurs, then the Error Data Item is returned here. |
VERS_szR12807Version | STRING | OPTIONAL | IN | If the PM Schedules are to be evaluated based upon the updated Meter Values, then the appropriate version of R12807 should be provided here to define the way the PM Schedules are processed. If this value is blank, then PM Schedule re-evaluation is bypassed. |