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Cantara Business Function to delete record(s) from the Timecard Entry Interoperability table F06116Z1.

The F06116Z1 table's Primary Key matches the 4 input parameters described in the data structure below. The function deletes records based upon which parameters are provided, with the following fall-through priority:

  1. If all 4 parameters are provided, and the matching record exists, then this single record is deleted, else error ID 0002 is set
  2. If EDUS, EDBT and EDTN are provided, and at least one record exists, then all records matching this key are deleted, else error ID 0002 is set
  3. If EDUS and EDBT are provided, and at least one record exists, then all records matching this key are deleted, else error ID 0002 is set
  4. If none of the above conditions are met, then the function will not perform any actions.

NOTE: EDUS, EDBT and EDTN are tested as 'greater than <Blank>' and EDLN is tested as 'greater than "0" ' to indicate that a value is provided. If, for example EDUS and EDLN only are provided, then the 4th test will still apply.

Data Structure

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