Cantara Business Function to delete record(s) from the Timecard Entry Interoperability table F06116Z1.
The F06116Z1 table's Primary Key matches the 4 input parameters described in the data structure below. The function deletes records based upon which parameters are provided, with the following fall-through priority:
- If all 4 parameters are provided, and the matching record exists, then this single record is deleted, else error ID 0002 is set.
- If EDUS, EDBT and EDTN are provided, and at least one record exists, then all records matching this key are deleted, else error ID 0002 is set.
- If EDUS and EDBT are provided, and at least one record exists, then all records matching this key are deleted, else error ID 0002 is set.
- If none of the above conditions are met, then the function will not perform any actions.
NOTE: EDUS, EDBT and EDTN are tested as 'greater than <Blank>' and EDLN is tested as 'greater than "0" ' to indicate that a value is provided. If, for example EDUS and EDLN only are provided, then the 4th test still applies.
Data Structure
Name | Type | Inclusion | Direction | Parameter Notes |
EDBT_szEdiBatchNumber | STRING | OPTIONAL | IN | |
EDTN_szEdiTransactNumber | STRING | OPTIONAL | IN | |
EDLN_mnEdiLineNumber | FLOAT | OPTIONAL | IN |