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Base Configuration

The information on this page applies to On-Premises deployments only. 

Console base configuration items:

The Refresh Schedule button should only be used when instructed by an authorized Rinami support representative.

  1. The Configuration Path is defined automatically. This file will contain the base configuration.
  2. Database JDBC URL is needed by the Cantara Console to be able to connect with the database.
  3. The Log Path specifies the storage location on the Cantara Server for log files.
  4. The Log Level defines the amount of detail included in logging data. Refer to the Log Level Reference for further information.
  5. The Session Timeout is the time (in minutes) that a console user session will be maintained. If the user does not refresh or request a page within the time-out period, the session ends.
  6. Max Total Connections, Max Connections per Route, Socket Timeout, Connection Request Timeout and Connection Timeout are parameters related to the connectivity between the Administration Console and other Cantara components.
  7. Click the Save button after entering required settings.

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