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Using Flavors

To set up your Android Product Flavors
  1. Open the app level gradle file (:app). 
  2. Add the following entries into the build.gradle file, please edit the code block as requirements of your project:

      // edit and add code as below
        flavorDimensions 'default' //the essential line
        //for single demo, only the dimension in required 
          dimension 'default'
        ​//for alpha or beta test flavor, please add applicationIdSuffix and versionNameSuffix
          dimension 'default'
          applicationIdSuffix '.projectrn'
          versionNameSuffix '-Beta'
        //for production flavor, please add applicationIdSuffix
          dimension 'default'
          applicationIdSuffix '.projectpd'
    //if the project requires AppCenter support, please edit and add code as below. Please note the name fields below shall follow the product flavor settings
    afterEvaluate{ project->
      assembleExampleDemoRelease.dependsOn tasks.getByName('decodeExampleDemoRelease')
      assembleProjectRnRelease.dependsOn tasks.getByName('decodeProjectRnRelease')
      assembleProjectPdRelease.dependsOn tasks.getByName('decodeProjectPdRelease')
  3. ​For the configuration of product flavors with ObjectBox plugin, please refer to Entity Generation (Android).

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