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Oracle JDE EnterpriseOne Interoperability Libraries

The Interoperability library files must be installed to each Cantara Agent Server if utilized, otherwise they should be deployed to each Cantara Access Server.

Obtaining the Libraries

The following files are required for the 9.1.x or 9.2.x Tools releases:

JDE Library Files

  • AIS_Client.jar
  • Base_JAR.jar
  • JdeNet_JAR.jar
  • jmxremote_optional.jar
  • jmxri.jar
  • ManagementAgent_JAR.jar
  • System_JAR.jar
  • xmlparserv2.jar

If you plan to use the JDE Data Access Driver you will also need the JDBC driver for your database platform.

The AIS_Client.jar file is available from Oracle Support at 

The other libraries listed above can be sourced from any JDE Client, from within the System\Classes folder in the install directory. You must select the version appropriate for your tools release.

Installing the Libraries

Excluded JARs

Do not install commons-logging.jar, commons-httpclient-3.0.jar or log4j.jar.

These functions are handled by libraries that are already provided as part of the Cantara Integration Platform applications.

To install the library files on the Agent Server(s) - if utilized:
  1. During installation of your Agent server, you will be prompted to copy the required library files into the lib subfolder of your extracted Agent archive.
Otherwise, to install the library files on the Access Server(s):
  1. Navigate to the Cantara Installation Component Folders on your Access server.
  2. Copy the required library files into the access/lib subfolder on Apache Tomcat, or the $ACCESS_WAR_HOME/WEB-INF/lib folder on Oracle WebLogic.
  3. Repeat this copy operation for all of the Access servers in your deployment.

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