Gradle Configuration (Android)
To set up your Android Development Environment
- Open the project gradle file.
Add the following entries into the project build.gradle file:
CODEbuildscript { ext.kotlin_version = '{latest_version}' // ext.objectbox_version = '{latest_version}' // ext.libVersion = '{cantara_client_6_version}' repositories { maven { credentials { username repoUsername password repoPassword } url "${repoUrl}artifactory/libs-release" } maven { credentials { username repoUsername password repoPassword } url "${repoUrl}artifactory/libs-snapshot" } google() jcenter() } dependencies { classpath "{latest_version}" // Gradle plugin classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version" // Kotlin plugin classpath "androidx.navigation:navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin:{latest_version}" // AndroidX navigation plugin used in the base login activity for the login and setting fragments classpath "{latest_version}" // Google services plugin used for any firebase related tasks such as barcode scanning..etc classpath "$libVersion" // Cantara entity generation plugin used to generate final object classes classpath "io.objectbox:objectbox-gradle-plugin:$objectbox_version" // Object Box plugin used for local storage } }
Add Cantara Android plugin and Objectbox plugin to your app gradle file (projectRoot/app/build.gradle):
CODEplugins { id '' id 'kotlin-android' id 'kotlin-android-extensions' id 'androidx.navigation.safeargs.kotlin' id 'kotlin-kapt' id 'cantara-android-plugin' id 'io.objectbox' }
Include Cantara Implementation in your app module, as a gradle compile dependency (projectRoot/app/build.gradle):
CODEimplementation "$libVersion"
Create a "" file in your ".gradle" root directory and add the following entries. Note: will be provided during Cantara set up.
CODErepoUsername={RepoUsername} repoPassword={RepoPassword} repoUrl={RepoUrl}
Add the following to the app build.gradle file:
CODEdecode { sourcePackage "" destinationPackage "{applicationId}" customFilePath "" }
Add the following to the app build.gradle file:
CODEafterEvaluate { project -> assembleRelease.dependsOn tasks.getByName('decodeRelease') }