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CNTR_CORE - Rinami Cantara Core

CNTR_CORE contains the core Cantara JDE components that are required for the correct operation of the Cantara Access Server. This project must be deployed to any JDE environment prior to definition within Cantara.

Project Objects

Special Instructions - Table Generation

Generate Tables:

  1. FQ35CA01 - Q35 Push Notifications

  2. FQ35CA02 - Q35 PO Approvals Notified
  3. FQ35CA03 - Q35 RSS Approvals Notified
  4. FQ35CA04 - Q35 SO Approvals Notified
  5. FQ35CA10 - Q35 Asset Location

  6. FQ35CA11 - Q35 Asset Location History

  7. FQ35PWD - Q35 Password Reset Constants
  8. FQ35PWDR - Q35 Password Reset Roles

Special Instructions - B9801000 Data Structure attributes paper fix

Business Function B9801000 has known issues in as at January 2022, which are documented on Oracle Support Document ID 1626198.1.

Without addressing these issues in 32-bit systems, the NER NQ35PWD may cause Package Build errors like these, in the buildlog.txt file:

D:\JDEdwards\E920\DV920\package\...\source\NQ35PWD.c(247): error C2039: 'szDailyPasswordChangeLimit': is not a member of 'tagDSD9801000'
D:\JDEdwards\E920\DV920\package\...\include\b9801000.h(73): note: see declaration of 'tagDSD9801000'
D:\JDEdwards\E920\DV920\package\...\source\NQ35PWD.c(247): error C2198: 'jdeStrcpyFillAndTerminate': too few arguments for call
D:\JDEdwards\E920\DV920\package\...\source\NQ35PWD.c(249): error C2039: 'szForceImmediatePasswordCh': is not a member of 'tagDSD9801000'
D:\JDEdwards\E920\DV920\package\...\include\b9801000.h(73): note: see declaration of 'tagDSD9801000'
D:\JDEdwards\E920\DV920\package\...\source\NQ35PWD.c(249): error C2198: 'jdeStrcpyFillAndTerminate': too few arguments for call
D:\JDEdwards\E920\DV920\package\...\source\NQ35PWD.c(344): error C2065: 'IDERRszOWPassword_19': undeclared identifier
D:\JDEdwards\E920\DV920\package\...\source\NQ35PWD.c(344): warning C4204: nonstandard extension used: non-constant aggregate initializer 

The cause of these errors is that the JDE object B9801000 is out-of-sync with the naming of the data structure parameters in D9801000

NOTE: The same data structures are used for multiple functions within B9801000, so the header definitions only require update once for each of the two Data Structure to correct the mismatch for all of them.

For template F98OWSEC Maintain OW Security, the parameters are misnamed, compared to the related Data Structure D9801000 shown here. This should be corrected in the header file B9801000.h

The highlighted parameters are szDailyPasswordChangeLimit and szForceImmediatePasswordCh, but in the B9801000.h file they are incorrectly referenced as szDailyPasswordChangLimit (missing “e”) and szForcePasswordChange (missing “Immediate” and extra “…ange”). So the changes for this require correcting the JCHAR declarations and also the #define statements, similar to the highlighted changes below:

For template F98OWSEC Maintain OW Security Long, the D9801000L parameters shown here now include Item #19 szOWPassword, but the #declare statement for that parameter is defined as Item #2 in the B9801000.h file. This should be corrected in the header file B9801000.h.

To address this the #declare statement needs to be corrected, similar to the highlighted code below for template F98OWSEC Maintain OW Security Long:

In addition to fixing the header declarations and definitions, there is also one internal function call in B9801000.c that requires correction for the parameter naming mismatch. It is in the body for internal function “I9801000_MaintainSecurityF98OWSEC” (not “I9801000_MaintainSecurityF98OWSECLong”, which looks very similar).


After these changes to the B9801000 object (header B9801000.h and body B9801000.c) are completed and checked-in, the NQ35PWD object should not have any build errors.

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