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Cantara Proxy Users

Cantara Proxy Users are defined to identify the owner of each Cantara session interacting with JDE. The Proxy User configuration also specifies a JDE Service Account (credentials and role) used to interact with JDE. A Proxy User can optionally be a member of a Proxy Group, and both groups and users can be activated and deactivated as required.

Adding a Proxy User

  1. Open the Farm menu group in the navigation panel.    
  2. Select the Cantara Users node. The Cantara Proxy Users configuration screen is displayed.

  3. To add a new Cantara Proxy User, click the Add button. The Add Cantara User screen is displayed.

  4. Configure settings as follows:
    • Cantara User: The unique name you want to assign to the user. The value for this field can be a maximum of 12 characters (no spaces). Valid characters include numbers, letters, underscore (_) and a dash (-).
    • Group: Select this option for Proxy Groups.
    • Active: Select this option to enable the user.
    • Password: Enter the password for the user
    • Confirm password: Re-enter the password for the user
    • Email: Enter the email address for the user
    • Description: Enter a user description
    • JDE Username: Enter the JDE username 
    • JDE Password:  Enter the password for the JDE user
    • JDE Role: Enter a JDE user role
    • Address Number: Enter the address number
    • Branch: Enter the branch
    • Approval Route: Enter the Approval Route code
    • Group Name: For group membership, enter the group name.

  5. Click the Save button.

Adding a Proxy Group

  1. Open the Farm menu group in the navigation panel.    
  2. Select the Cantara Users node. The Cantara Proxy Users configuration screen is displayed.

  3. To add a new Cantara Proxy Group, click the Add button. The Add Cantara User screen is displayed.

  4. Configure settings as follows:
    • Cantara User: The unique name you want to assign to the user. The value for this field can be a maximum of 12 characters (no spaces). Valid characters include numbers, letters, underscore (_) and a dash (-).
    • Group: Select this option for Proxy Groups.
    • Active: Select this option to enable the user.
    • Description: Enter a user description
    • JDE Username: Enter the JDE username 
    • JDE Password:  Enter the password for the JDE user
    • JDE Role: Enter a JDE user role
    • Address Number: Enter the address number
    • Branch: Enter the branch
    • Approval Route: Enter the Approval Route code

  5. Click the Save button.

Deleting a Proxy User

  1. Open the Farm menu group in the navigation panel.
  2. Select the Cantara Users node. The Cantara Proxy Users screen is displayed.

  3. Select the user that is to be deleted. The Cantara User configuration screen is displayed.

  4. Click the Delete button. 

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