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Cantara Agent

Cantara Agent is an optional component which can be used to manage network communications between the JDE enterprise servers and either the Cantara Cloud or the on-premises Access Server. Utilization of a Cantara Agent Server depends on the specific security and load requirements of a deployment. 

For deployments where a Cantara Agent server is to be used, the URL of the agent server must be configured.

Configure an Agent Server

  1. Open the Farm menu group in the navigation panel.
  2. Select the Cantara Agent node. The agent configuration screen will be displayed.
  3. Enter the URL of the agent server.
  4. Click the Save button.

Delete an Agent Server

  1. Open the Farm menu group in the navigation panel.
  2. Select the Cantara Agent node. The agent configuration screen will be displayed.
  3. Click the Delete button.
  4. Confirm the delete operation.

Logging Controls

Once an Agent Server has been configured, its log data can be controlled, viewed and downloaded using the buttons at the bottom of the Agent configuration screen.

Log Level Reference

Log Level



Logs almost all operations of the agent server. This generates a large amount of log data and should only be used when troubleshooting issues.

DEBUGLogs debugging information for the agent server. Should only be used on non-production servers.
INFOLogs information that assists with configuration and performance tuning. Can be used on production servers.
WARNLogs all errors and warnings. Recommended for new production installations.
ERRORLogs all errors generated by the agent server. Recommended minimum level for production servers.
FATALLogs only errors that would have caused the agent server to stop processing requests. Only recommended for production servers in a mature environment.

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