Quality Management Result Entry
The Quality Management Result Entry Service was created to allow for test result entries to be recorded with out the use of the P3711 but still use the logic of the P3711 i.e picking up preference profiles and auto calculation of pass/fails before entry into the F3711. Currently this service only supports entering of new results, to override existing results it is best to use the P3711.
The service is broken in to two core business function's but ultimately your only concern will be the NQ353706 - Q35 QM Test Result Entry Service business function, the other function handles or the nitty gritty details of working with the F3711 Master BSFN.
The services logic is mostly inherited from the P3711 with a little bit of inspiration from the R3711Z1I as well.
Using the Service
Entering a result through the service is fairly simple, and can be achieved with one function call to the relevant entry function which is dependant on what format you are recording results against i.e Lot Number, Sales Order etc. Below are some example scenarios.
Scenario 1
Lets say I want to enter three test results against a lot/item, two of which for one test with multi samples, and another for another test with one sample, I would make the following function calls.
- Call Q35AddTestResultByLotNumber - Test 1, Result 1
- Note how it is not required to pass in the sample number? This is because the function handles auto sample numbering as per how the P3711 handles it.
- Call Q35AddTestResultByLotNumber - Test 1, Result 2
- Call Q35AddTestResultByLotNumber - Test 2, Result 1
Note: Refer to above function definitions for required parameters, processing logic, and expected returns.
Unsupported Functionality
- Triggering a lot status update after a test result is passed is not supported at this current time
- Batch Result Entry
- If inputing multiple results for multiple samples against one format i.e a lot number/item number combination the function is unable to keep these transactions insync for it does not know that the previous entered result was part of the same batch as the current result getting entered. What this means is that the result sort sequence is not generated correctly. So far that is the only know issue when it comes to batch entery. Sample Numbering still works correctly.
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