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Managing Exclusions

Exclusions are used to prevent the execution of scheduled groups during defined periods of time. For example, you may wish to prevent a particular group from running whilst month end processes are being completed.

To add an exclusion set
  1. Click the Scheduler node in the navigation panel.
  2. Click Exclusions.
  3. Click the Add button.
  4. Enter a Name for the set of exclusion periods. The value for this field can be a maximum of 40 characters (no spaces). Valid characters include numbers, letters and dash.
  5. Provide a Description of the exclusion set to provide further details.
  6. Check the Active option to ensure that the exclusion periods are applied. You can deactivate an exclusion set if required.
  7. You can add Tags to assist with management of definitions. You can select from the existing tags or add a new tag by pressing the Add button to the right of the tags area, then entering the new tag name.
To add an exclusion period
  1. Click the Add button on the right hand side above the grid.
  2. Enter the Date From and Date Thru of the exclusion period. These dates are inclusive so any groups that are equal or between these ranges will not execute.
  3. Check the Active option on each line to ensure that the exclusion period is applied.
  4. You can add as many exclusion periods as are required.
  5. To save your changes click the Save button at the top.
To delete an exclusion period
  1. Press the Trash Can icon next to the line you wish to remove.

To delete an exclusion set
  1. Click the Scheduler node in the navigation panel.
  2. Click the Exclusions node.
  3. Click the Hand selection icon in the top right of the screen.
  4. Select the line you wish to remove.
  5. Click the Trash Can icon to remove the calendar.


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