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Function Services

This section describes how to execute a JDE BSFN/NER using the function request web service.

The following are required:

  • Your application must have obtained a Cantara session ID. If not, review the Login Services topic before continuing with this section.
  • The call you are making has already been defined using the Cantara Console. See Managing Functions, for more details.

A function can be executed by calling the service below with a payload that follows the Function Request definition (at a minimum the payload requires a function name and parameter). If the execution is successful, Cantara returns a response that follows the Function Response definition. If there is a failure, Cantara returns an error. See the Error Message topic for more information.

Each function request requires one or more parameters based on their definition on the Cantara server (see Managing Functions). Although there may be multiple parameters defined for functions, only the parameters marked as Required need to included in the payload.


Endpoint: http(s)://[hostname]:[port]/[context]/service/[version]/function/[environment]

Method: POST

Content-Type: application/json or application/xml

Accept: application/json or application/xml

Path Parameters

hostnameCantara worker hostname
portCantara worker listening port (only required if non-standard HTTP/s port

Cantara worker web application context

versionCantara worker API version
environmentCantara access environment. Refer to the Managing Environments topic for more information.(Example - E1DEV)


Environment refers to the Cantara Access Server environment you are trying to log into. For example, E1DEV. You would have previously configured this when you set up your environment. Refer to the Managing Environments topic for more details.

You can obtain a list of configured environments by using the console to Managing Environments.

To review information about how to obtain the definition for a function, see the Request Definition topic.

On This Page

Request Body

	"name": "GetUDC",
	"cantaraVersion": "5.1",
	"tenantId": "",
	"apiKey": "",
	"parameter": [
			"value": "",
			"name": "dataDictionaryItem"
			"value": "",
			"name": "systemCode"
			"value": "",
			"name": "recordType"
			"value": "",
			"name": "key"

Request Body Parameters

nameFunction service name
cantaraVersionCantara platform version
tenantIdCantara Tenant ID (The Tenant ID and API Key can be retrieved from the customer portal.)
apiKeyCantara Tenant API Key (The Tenant ID and API Key can be retrieved from the customer portal.)
ParameterFunction request parameters

Response Body

	"Message": {
		"value": "Transaction Successful",
		"origin": "Worker7@5bbdad89215b",
		"type": 0,
		"sessionId": "",
		"cantaraSid": ""
	"name": "GetUDC",
	"Parameter": [
			"value": "",
			"name": "dataDictionaryItem"
			"value": "",
			"name": "systemCode"
			"value": "",
			"name": "recordType"
			"value": "",
			"name": "key"
			"value": "",
			"name": "keyFieldLength"
			"value": "",
			"name": "languagePreference"
			"value": "",
			"name": "description1"
			"value": "",
			"name": "description2"
			"value": "",
			"name": "specialHandling"
			"value": " ",
			"name": "udcOwnershipFlag"
			"value": "Y",
			"name": "hardCoded"
	"JdeError": []

Response Body Parameters

MessageResponse message information

Message description

Message.originorigin host

Message type identifier

Message.sessionIdJDE CallObject kernel thread
Message.cantaraSidWeb application server session ID
nameFunction service name
ParameterFunction response parameters

JDE error messages

Execute Function

Example for executing Function service

Example Endpoint:

Function Request

	"name": "GetUDC",
	"cantaraVersion": "5.1",
	"tenantId": "",
	"apiKey": "",
	"parameter": [
			"value": "00",
			"name": "systemCode"
			"value": "ST",
			"name": "recordType"

Function Response

	"Message": {
		"value": "Transaction Successful",
		"origin": "Worker7@5bbdad89215b",
		"type": 0,
		"sessionId": "5016.1572846537.1000",
		"cantaraSid": "67200fb0-9e49-4987-b31d-79f69fcb60d0"
	"name": "GetUDC",
	"Parameter": [
			"value": "",
			"name": "dataDictionaryItem"
			"value": "00",
			"name": "systemCode"
			"value": "ST",
			"name": "recordType"
			"value": "A",
			"name": "key"
			"value": "0",
			"name": "keyFieldLength"
			"value": "  ",
			"name": "languagePreference"
			"value": "Address Book Number",
			"name": "description1"
			"value": "Hard Coded Edit in F0101",
			"name": "description2"
			"value": "",
			"name": "specialHandling"
			"value": " ",
			"name": "udcOwnershipFlag"
			"value": "Y",
			"name": "hardCoded"
	"JdeError": []
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