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Cantara MuleSoft Connector Configuration

Global Element Properties

NameGlobal configuration name
UsernameOptional username for the Cantara connection. The connector supports Basic Authentication if you wish to pass user credentials to the connector.
PasswordOptional password for the Cantara connection.
Cantara URLThe URL for the Cantara Access Server. The connector supports both the enterprise and cloud versions of the Cantara Integration Platform
Cantara EnvironmentThe environment defined within the Cantara Administration Console that you wish to connect to.
Cantara VersionThe service format to be used. The connector currently supports versions 4.3 and above.
Cantara ApplicationThe client service application identifier.
Cantara Tenant IDThe tenant ID is required for version 5.0 and above and is available from the customer portal.
Cantara API KeyThe API key is required for version 5.0 and above and is available from the customer portal.
Proxy SettingsComplete the proxy settings if your MuleSoft server utilises a proxy server to connect to the Cantara Integration Platform.
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