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Cantara Installation Guide

This Cantara installation guide contains information about installing, configuring, and deploying either the on-premise or cloud based platform.

Before performing the installation procedures, make sure you review the information listed in Technical Requirements. The JD Edwards Objects and Configuration should be completed prior to installing the Cantara web application components.

Cloud installation, only a single component the Cantara agent needs to be installed:

On-Premises installation from version 5 onward, the Cantara installation is made up of the following components:

  1. Cantara Access Server
  2. Cantara Assur Server
  3. Cantara Administration Console
  4. Cantara Agent (this is optional)

These can be installed on the same application server within the same server instance or on different application servers and instances depending on your specific architecture requirements. The Cantara agent is an optional component for standalone pending security and load requirements.

When you are ready to begin the installation process, review the following topics:

If this is your first time installing Cantara, our recommendation is to follow below links to complete your installation:

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