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Managing Users - Rinami Portal

For Cantara Cloud platform, user management is performed within the Rinami Portal.

Login to the portal using your Owner account (the email address and password that you have registered your company with).

  1. Click Accounts in the left hand menu.
  2. Click Create New Account
  3. Select the appropriate roles for the new user. NOTE the Console Role cannot be changed for a user account once it has been created.

    Console RoleAccess Level Grant\ed
    AdministratorFull Access
    ConfiguratorView Only Access to Farm & Enviornments screens. Otherwise Full Access

    View Only Access

    NoneNo access to the Cantara Console - Portal Account Only
    Portal RoleAccess Level Granted
    AdministratorPurchase Licenses, Create Accounts, Download Cantara Components
    SupportView Only, Ability to view the Dashboard, Download Cantara Components, View/Raise Support Tickets
    ViewerView Only
    OwnerAll Administrator Functions + Ability to update Customer account details

  4. Enter the remaining details for the user account.

  5. The email address specified above will receive an account activation email within a few minutes.
  6. The user must enter the provided activation link into a web browser to activate the account.
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