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Importing and Exporting Component Definitions

The Cantara Integration Platform supports an Import/Export feature to allow you to migrate component definitions between Cantara Access Servers.

Importing Component Definitions


Imported components will overwrite existing definitions with the same name.

You can use the Import feature to import function, query, and report definitions.

To import component definitions
  1. Click Farm in the navigation pane.
  2. Select the tab for your current farm i.e. PRODUCTION
  3. Click the Import button.

  4. In the screen that opens, select the .ZIP file that you have previously exported.

Exporting Component Definitions

You can export function, query, and report definitions.

To export component definitions
  1. Click Farm in the navigation pane.
  2. Select the tab for your current farm i.e. PRODUCTION
  3. Click the Export button.
  4. A .ZIP File will be downloaded, this contains all component definitions for your current Farm.




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