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Billing - Rinami Portal

Select the Billing tab from the left hand pane, note you must be an Administrator or Owner account to view billing information.

For Cloud Customers, you will see an estimated billing graph as well as the history of any invoices.
For Standalone customers, you will be able to download invoices here.

Invoice History - Download

Previous Invoices will be displayed on the screen.
Click the download button to download the invoice in PDF format.

Billing Graph - Cloud Only

Click the drop down button to view the graph for previous month's usage.
Note the dollar figure displayed in the top right corner is the estimate figure for the current month usage only.

Graph Definitions:
-Blue line indicates the number of users selected for your current license.
-Green line indicates your current cumulative number of users for the month.
-Yellow line indicates the cumulative number rest calls in relation to your total allowed free rest calls for the month.

Tips for reading the graph:
-You will pay the minimum amount if the yellow and green lines (Cumulative users and rest calls) are below the blue line (Base Licence Users).
-If the Green line (Cumulative users) is above the blue line, you will pay the additional user charge for each user over.
-If the Yellow line (Rest Calls) is above the Blue line, you will only pay the additional per 1000 rest charge if the Yellow line is above the Green line (Cumulative users) as each additional user will also receive an additional allocation of free rest calls.

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