The Q35AddMeterReadingToZTable function inserts or updates records into the F12120Z1 interface table.
How to Use
Please refer to the Oracle documentation available at https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E16582_01/doc.91/e15081/proc_interop_for_cam.htm#EOAAI00088 on the operation of the F12120Z1 interface table.
This function provides the following parameter defaults:
EDBT_szEdiBatchNumber - If blank then will fetch the next number using the standard X0010GetNextNumber function.
EDTN_szEdiTransactNumber - If blank then will try find the previous transaction number for this batch, user combination and increment its value by '1' else if not found its value will default '1'
EDUS_szEdiUserId - If blank defaults to the logged in user.
EDLN_mnEdiLineNumber - If this field has a value then the function will attempt to process the transaction in an update mode else If blank it will be treated as a new record and the function will try find the previous line number for this batch, transaction, and user combination and increment its value by '1' else if not found its value will default to '1'.
TYTN_szTypeTransaction - If blank defaults to 'METERS'
EDDT_jdEdiTransmissionDate - If blank defaults to todays date.
DTHRU_jdDatePeriodThru - If blank defaults to todays date.
PRODM_szProductModel - If blank the Q35GetEquipmentInformation is used to retrieve its value using the provided ASII_szAssetNumberInput field.
MTTP_szMeterType - If blank defaults to 'AT00'
This function calls the following Q35 functions.
Data Structure
Name | Type | Inclusion | Direction |
DTAI_szErrorMessage | STRING | OPTIONAL | OUT |
EV01_cSuppressErrors | CHARACTER | OPTIONAL | IN |
EDBT_szEdiBatchNumber | STRING | OPTIONAL | BOTH |
EDTN_szEdiTransactNumber | STRING | OPTIONAL | BOTH |
EDLN_mnEdiLineNumber | FLOAT | OPTIONAL | BOTH |
TYTN_szTypeTransaction | UDC | OPTIONAL | BOTH |
EDDT_jdEdiTransmissionDate | DATE | OPTIONAL | BOTH |
DTHRU_jdDatePeriodThru | DATE | OPTIONAL | BOTH |
ASII_szAssetNumberInput | STRING | REQUIRED | BOTH |
PRODM_szProductModel | UDC | OPTIONAL | BOTH |
MTTP_szMeterType | UDC | OPTIONAL | BOTH |
URCD_szUserReservedCode | STRING | OPTIONAL | BOTH |
URDT_jdUserReservedDate | DATE | OPTIONAL | BOTH |
URAT_mnUserReservedAmount | FLOAT | OPTIONAL | BOTH |
URAB_mnUserReservedNumber | INTEGER | OPTIONAL | BOTH |
URRF_szUserReservedReference | STRING | OPTIONAL | BOTH |