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Managing Log Information

The logging feature allows you to view message detail to use for debugging problems. The amount of detail that is displayed depends on the log level you specify for the Cantara Access Server. See Configuring a Server for more details.

Archive Logs

If you wish to review archived log files from within the Console, please extract the archive file into the log directory.

To view the log

  1. Select the Servers node in the navigation panel.
  2. Select a server.
  3. Click the Show Log button. A window will open to display the contents of the log file.

To view the log details

  1. In the case of errors you can view further details on the issue by double clicking on the log record to open the details window.

Refreshing the log

  1. You can reload the log contents by pushing the Refresh Log button in the top right corner of the page

Clearing the log

  1. If you no longer need the contents of a log file, you can clear it by clicking on the Clear Log button.

Viewing archived logs

To maintain optimal performance, Cantara will automatically roll the log file once a size limit is reached. The rolled files are stored in the log directory.  

  1. Find the required archive log file in the logs directory
  2. Extract the file back into Cantara JSON format
  3. Access the log viewer within the Cantara Administration Console, the log file should now be available from the drop down list.


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