Apache Tomcat 8.0 - Cantara Server Installation
Make sure you have done the following before deploying the Cantara Server:
- Have an existing Tomcat Server instance or have created a server instance that meets the Cantara Server Technical Requirements.
- Set up the file system folders and confirmed that the user the Tomcat Server is running as has read and write permission to these folders.
- In the case of the Enterprise Edition ensure you have set up the Cantara Database. You must also edit the Apache Tomcat context.xml file to include the JNDI resource definition for the database.
- Extracted the Cantara Server application .ZIP archive file into the installation folder according to the Installing the Cantara Access Server Web Application instructions.
- Copy the required Oracle EnterpriseOne JD Edwards libraries have been included.
To deploy an instance of the Cantara Server
Ensure that the prerequisite JAR libraries are loaded into $CATALINA_HOME/lib
- javax.mail.jar available at https://java.net/projects/javamail/pages/Home#Download_JavaMail_Release
- xercesImpl.jar available at http://xerces.apache.org/mirrors.cgi
Create the context definition xml file in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost, this file should be have the same name as the desired context for the application. Below is an example context file for Enterprise Edition with a Oracle MySQL database.
Example Context cantara.xml
XML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Context path="/cantara" docBase="/u01/rinami/cantara.war"> <Manager pathname="" /> <Resource auth="Container" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" maxTotal="100" maxIdle="30" maxWaitMillis="10000" name="jdbc/Cantara" password="cantara" type="javax.sql.DataSource" url="jdbc:mysql://mysql.rinami.com:3306/Cantara42" username="cantara"/> <Resource auth="Container" mail.debug="false" mail.smtp.auth="false" mail.smtp.host="smtp.rinami.com" mail.transport.protocol="smtp" name="mail/Cantara" global="mail/Cantara" type="javax.mail.Session"/> </Context>
- Start the Apache Tomcat instance.
- If the deployment is successful, you should see the Cantara Access Server in the list of applications with its running state set to true. If the deployment fails to start, check the appropriate Tomcat logs for deployment errors.
Validate Deployment
If you open a browser window to the base URL of the Cantara Access Server deployment you can confirm that the deployment has completed successfully.