You can apply the definitions for your system and manage the user accounts that have access to the system.
Applying the Configuration File
Configuration for the Cantara Administration Console is based on the definitions in the system configuration file. You can apply the configuration file to restore your existing settings or to specify new values.
To apply a configuration file
Select the Configuration node in the navigation panel. The System Configuration screen is displayed.
Enter the path to the configuration file in the space provided, and then click the Apply button.
Adding a New User
To add a new user
Select the Configuration node in the navigation panel, and select Users.
Click the Add User button.
Enter the Username.
Select a User Role:
Enter the Password and Confirm the password, and then click the Save User button.
Deleting a User
To delete a user
Select the Configuration node in the navigation panel, and select Users.
Click the Remove button for the user you want to delete.
Confirm the deletion.
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