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Viewing Schedule History

You can view of history of the jobs that have been submitted to the JD Edwards system.

History for submitted jobs includes the following:

  • Group - The name of the group
  • Execution Start - Date and time the group was submitted to JDE
  • Status - The final status of the group
  • Message - Details about the jobs in the group
  • Request - Name of a request allocated to a group

To view job history
  1. Click Scheduler for the server history you want to view, and then select the History node.
  2. By default, the Date From and Thru values span seven days from the current date. If you want to view a different period, enter a date in the space provided or click the calendar to choose a date from the window that opens. The format for the field is 4-digit year, 2-digit month, and 2-digit day. A list of jobs that have been submitted in the time frame are displayed.
  3. Select a Group in the list. The request(s) allocated to the group and their details are displayed at the bottom of the page. You can look up the JDE Job number in JDE and view the job.


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