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Importing and Exporting Server Component Definitions

The Cantara Integration Platform supports two server configuration types: file-based and database. You can use the Import/Export feature to switch between the two configurations as your business needs change. For example, you can use this feature if you want to upgrade from a file-based configuration to one that uses a database. You can also use this functionality to migrate component definitions between Cantara Access Servers.

Importing a Component Definitions


Imported components will overwrite existing definitions with the same name.

You can use the Import feature to import function, query, and report definitions.

To import component definitions
  1. Click Servers in the navigation pane.
  2. Select a server from the list.
  3. Click the Import/Export button.
  4. In the screen that opens, enter the path to the server you want to import in the Component Directory field, and click the Import button.:

 The definition(s) are loaded. 

Exporting Component Definitions

You can export function, query, and report definitions.

To export component definitions
  1. Click Servers in the navigation pane.
  2. Select a server from the list.
  3. Click the Import/Export button.
  4. In the screen that opens, enter the path to the server you want to export in the Component Directory field, and click the Export button:
  5. The definition(s) you specified are exported.




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