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Consuming Cantara Web Services

The Cantara server provides various RESTful web services that act as interfaces to the Cantara server’s internal functions from an external service. These web services work by your application making an HTTP request to Cantara with a payload in either XML or JSON format. Cantara will interpret your request and send a response back in either XML or JSON for you to parse. Depending on the service that you call, your HTTP method should be either a GET, PUT, POST or DELETE method.  

In this guide we refer to different structured payloads. You can view the required structure for each service here.

Cantara exposes three main services to interact with JD Edwards:

  • Execute Function – Calls either a Business Function (BSFN) or Named Event Rule (NER) on the JD Edwards server (JDE)
  • Execute Report – Executes a report on the JD Edwards server
  • Execute Query – Sends a query request either to the JDE server or directly to the database based on your Cantara server configuration



Before you can use any of the Cantara web services, your application must first obtain a login session ID from the Cantara server. See User Sessions.
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